The “Subject and Creation” Workshops are continuing this year. From January 22 to 25, 2020, Postmarginal was at the National Theatre School for a project with Diversité artistique Montréal and their theatre and film audition series that features artists of diverse cultural origins. The workshop was facilitated by Postmarginal’s Peter Farbridge in conjunction with director Margarita Herrara and performer/director Anne Sabourin. In a total of 16 hours work, 12 actors from different cultural horizons explored their cultural “imaginaires” as a conduit to their creative expression. By the end of the process the students were encouraged to lead each other in short group études that incorporated and extended their own gestures and sound gathered from their personal histories.
The work is a continuation of a theatrical exploration which looks at differences of gender identity, culture and physical abilities as central to a creative process that embraces horizontal sharing of differences.
“[The] workshop made me travel through my body, my voice and my identity. I am coming out of this experience feeling more connected with who I am, where I come from, where I am going, and who is with me. Everyone I met in this exploration space made me vibrate with their history, their cultural resources, their willingness to share and their uniqueness.”
Claudia Chan Tak, (Participant,
If you are interested in participating in a Subject and Creation workshop, please write to [email protected].